Figh and common Law
Figh and common Law
The Strategy of Muslim States in Human Rights Discourse / Mohammad Hossein Mozaffari
The Strategy of Muslim States in Human Rights Discourse / Mohammad Hossein Mozaffari
The Concepts of Fiqh and Law, and Their Relationship / Seyed Mohammad Shahrestani
The Concepts of Fiqh and Law, and Their Relationship / Seyed Mohammad Shahrestani
The Definition of Constitutional Justice in Iran / Ali-Akbar Gordji
The Definition of Constitutional Justice in Iran / Ali-Akbar Gordji
The Foundations Of Islamic Jurisprudence As Forseen In The Holy Quran / Seyed Monzer Hakim
The Foundations Of Islamic Jurisprudence As Forseen In The Holy Quran / Seyed Monzer Hakim
The Philosophy Of Islamic Law As Seen By Allameh Tabatabai1 / Seyed Mahdi Tabatabai
The Philosophy Of Islamic Law As Seen By Allameh Tabatabai1 / Seyed Mahdi Tabatabai
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